Monday 7 April 2008

Book 2 Entry #3

Q. What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?

“Ender took off his headphones, filled with the cheers of his squadron leaders, and only then realized that there was just as much noise in the room with him."

I think this passage is the climax of this novel. This is where Ender wins in the simulation and it is found out that actually the simulation wzas a real war.

This scene was the catharsis of the novel for me. Though this novel was exciting and fun to read, it wasn’t short, and I was starting to feel pain from reading the book. Then, this climax came out and at last Ender won! Ender’s victory was the fruit of all the hardships Ender had to go over. Until the simulation ends, Ender doesn’t know that his simulation was a real war. The basic plot is that Graff, which is one of the main characters, plans everything and makes up lies to make Ender do the simulation. After getting trained by Mazer Rackham, the war hero from the Second Bugger War, Ender finally starts the simulation. After many hardships in the simulation, Ender finally defeats the enemy’s planet and achieves victory. Later, Ender is told that the simulation was actually the Third Bugger War, and Ender became the war hero.

This part made me feel catharsis. It felt like I have beaten the final boss of a game, or got an A for a grade. Actually, I knew the basic plot of this story beforehand, because I was the only on in our family who has never read Ender’s Game before. My parents and my brother read it when my brother was doing his project back in Minnesota. So, I was somewhat worried about reading this book, but it was okay. I liked the climax and it felt different from what I heard. Just listening to the story and reading the book was different. Because of this climax, I felt like recommending this book to others. I heard that Ender’s Game is coming out as a movie next year, and I am looking forward to see it and watch how the movie conducts the climax of this novel.